
“My heart is astir with gracious words; I speak my poem to a king; my tongue is the pen of an expert scribe.” Isaiah 46:1

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Keep my heart pure
Keep my heart clean,
Lead me to the valley--
to Your field where I may glean.

I'll take Your hand
Won't let it go
Because You are my Only One,
My Only One and Lover of my soul.

~inspired by the Book of Ruth, Ezekiel 16, and Hosea 2:14


  1. This is a lovely poem/song! You wrote it, right?
    By the way, I like your new blog look. :)

  2. Thank you! And, yes, I wrote it. Came to me the other day. I wanted to remember it but didn't feel like putting it in my journal or posting it on Facebook, so I put it here. :)

    I like the new look, too. It's definitely more me.
